Monday, April 15, 2013

Land Rover switch labels

     I wanted to have some labels on my switches, especially the non-standard ones in the new dash section. I thought briefly about Dymo labels but they lose stickyness and look tacky. After a websearch I couldn't find any plastic or metal ones. So I decided to make some.
     My first try was to borrow some copper(thanks Craig!) and using my letter stamp making a prototype. It proved to be too thin a material and I worried about corrosion making it green and crusty later on.

So I went to the local hardware store and bought a piece of .035 brass sheet for around $17USD. Then using an old plastic label I had as a template I laid out some switches and drilled holes then stamped some names on them. It turned out that these were too long for 2 of the switches so I had to redo those. I also screwed up the stamping on a couple in my learing phase and drilled one hole too large for the intended switch..aahhhh......learning curve.
     As I was making the labels for the switches I thought I should label my warning lights too. My first thought was to make individual labels using just 2 letter designations. After making the ones for the switches it became apparent to me that a strip label across the front would be easier! So thats's what I did.

     You can see it is temporarlly fit, I am waiting for a temp guage and another switch. I have fitted a Stewart-Warner marine voltmeter from  my FLAPS.
     I've ordered a non-return valve for the servo and accelerator cable and a couple of switches from Craddocks. It took them a week to confirm and charge me the shipping from the UK. It should ship on Tues 4-16-2013.

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